Reflections on my first few days of my week at Yokoji for Dharma Transmission.
February 03, 2021 | Comments: 3 -
Henrike Jishin Reef
It’s with a heavy heart that we share the news that Henrike Jishin Reef died on December 7, 2020. Jishin was a resident at Yokoji from 2009-2011 and served as Head Trainee in the spring of 2011.
January 29, 2021 | Comments: 5 -
Koan for Dharma Combat - Fall 2020 Training Period
Dharma Combat for the Fall Training Period 2020 was held on Zoom where Kisen Fredella, Head Trainee, spoke on the following koan from the Book of Equanimity and took questions from the online assembly. The audio portion can be found on the podcast section of our website.
November 25, 2020 | Comments: 1 -
Gate of Sweet Nectar
Gate of Sweet Nectar from Obon, a traditional Buddhist festival which we have aligned with our western celebration of Halloween.
November 21, 2020 | Comments: 0 -
Way of Realization, by Tenshin Roshi
Way of Realization, written by Tenshin Roshi, is a modern expression of the heart of zen practice.
September 03, 2020 | Comments: 0 -
News & Events | August 2020
In just one week we will begin our Fall Training Period. The ever-changing cycle continues. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what an odd year 2020 has been.
August 31, 2020 | Comments: 1 -
News & Events | March 2020
In the Shobogenzo or Treasury of the True Dharma Eye, Master Dogen expresses a timeless understanding. He writes, “Mountains and waters right now are the actualization of the ancient Buddha-Way.’
March 04, 2020 | Comments: 0 -
News & Events | February 2020
As we enter the month of February, we remember the extensive impact of the storms of last winter season and the resulting work. So far, 2020 has blessed us with manageable weather.Winter Interim Period continues and our unique wilderness environment serves as a constant reminder of the impermanent nature of all things; no two days, two hours, or even two minutes are the same, and the confluence of our exposure to the natural world and immersion in a formal practice setting makes this particularly salient.
February 14, 2020 | Comments: 1 -
News & Events | January 2020
Season’s greetings from wintry Yokoji! As is our tradition, marking the conclusion of 2019 and the dawn of 2020, staff, residents, and participants gathered for Yokoji’s annual New Year’s Sesshin. While December brought a white Christmas and significant snowfall throughout the month with recent new snow accumulation, we are glad to report that the access road is presently open for all.
January 08, 2020 | Comments: 0 -
News & Events | November 2019
It feels amazing that we are now approaching the end of our Fall training period. We have enjoyed welcoming our regular guest groups to Yokoji as they are more like old friends than visitors.Fall is definitely upon us and the temperatures have cooled as well as the days becoming more windy.
December 07, 2019 | Comments: 0
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